The Benefits Of Leading Inclusively. Diversity Isn’t The Only One
If you're not familiar with the six common traits of an inclusive leader, this article is a must-read.
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- It’s in the hundreds of daily interactions between leaders and their teams where inclusion succeeds or fails
- Researchers have identified specific competencies of the inclusive leader of the future, and these capabilities are being integrated into leadership curriculums among progressive companies
- Focusing on inclusion, through behaviours and policies, supports both gender equality and broader diversity efforts
Organisations can have the most beautifully written diversity statements and regularly run events to promote diversity, but if leaders aren’t confident and competent in creating an inclusive environment, these initiatives can sadly become hollow symbols and the authenticity of the organisation can be questioned. The motivation and capability of leaders to communicate and behave inclusively is a key success factor for organisations committed to achieving greater gender equality, and diversity more broadly. It is in the hundreds of daily interactions between leaders and their teams where inclusion will either succeed or fail.
Can you or your colleagues relate to any of these?
We’re for more diverse and inclusive cultures
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